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Pattern Day Trader

Why was my order rejected?

Trading on stocks (and derivatives of stocks) with Interactive Brokers is now subject to "Pattern Day Trader" regulations, which require that any account which does more than 3 round turn trades within a period of 5 working days be funded with a minimum of 25,000 $ (or equivalent in another currency) - Learn more

The transactions you have made in the past days or the order you tried to execute made you to be considered a "Pattern Day Trader" according to these regulations.

As a result, Interactive Brokers is temporarily rejecting your orders on Stocks (and derivatives of stocks).

If you want to close a position, click here.

What solutions are there to avoid these rejections?

  • Only stocks and derivatives of stocks are concerned by this regulation.

Deposit additional funds in your account

Accounts with more than 25 000 USD minimum (or equivalent in another currency) are not concerned by the "Pattern Day Trader" limitation.

To place orders without this restriction, you can make a deposit so that the global value of your account (liquidity + value of share positions) is more than this minimum amount.

Limit the number of trades you do on Stocks

  • If you have not yet passed the limit of 3 round turn trades (6 orders) in the last 5 days

    To open a new position, you must wait for the end of the 5 day period (between one and 5 days depending on the date of your first round turn trade).

    In the future, you can continue trading on stocks as long as you do not pass this limit.

  • If you have done more than 3 round turn trades (>= 7 orders) in the last 5 days

    If you have already passed this limit, Interactive Brokers may have placed a restriction on your account for trading stocks (or derivatives of stocks).In that case follow the instructions below to remove the restriction.

To request a temporary removal of your categorisation as a "Pattern Day Trader", click here.