Cerrar una posición y/o anular órdenes pendientes

A continuación encontrará las diferentes formas de cerrar posiciones abiertas y anular órdenes pendientes, soluciones que pueden ser útiles, por ejemplo, en caso de que no tenga acceso a su plataforma ProRealTime Complete/Premium.

1º solución: desde su ordenador, utilizando la plataforma ProRealTime Complete/Premium

Cerrar una posición desde la ventana Carteras

  • Desde la ventana principal, pulse en el menú "Trading" y luego en "Carteras".
  • Desde la parte inferior de la ventana de Carteras, localice la línea correspondiente a la posición que desea cerrar y pulse en el icono de la cruz roja para enviar una orden a mercado la posición.

Anular una orden pendiente desde la ventana "Lista de órdenes

  • Desde la ventana principal, pulse en el menú "Trading" y luego en "Lista de órdenes".
  • Seleccione la pestaña "Órdenes pendientes".
  • Localice la línea correspondiente a la orden pendiente que desea anular y, a continuación, pulse en el icono de la cruz roja para anularla.
  • Recuerde que también puede pulsar en el icono con una cruz roja en la parte superior de la ventana para anular todas las órdenes pendientes en todos los instrumentos.

Desde sus gráficos

Los siguientes vídeos[/url_video_tutorials] explican cómo enviar órdenes, anular órdenes, cerrar posiciones desde sus gráficos ProRealTime.

2a solución: desde su ordenador, utilizando la interfaz web alternativa

  • Desde su PC, MAC o Linux, conséctese a https://m.prorealtime.com.
  • Seleccione "Iniciar la versión móvil desde este ordenador".
  • Inicie sesión utilizando el mismo número de cuenta y contraseña que utiliza para la web de ProRealTime Trading.

Cerrar posición

  • Click on the "Positions" icon.
  • Locate the line corresponding to the position you wish to close, and click on the red cross icon to place a market order to close the position.

Cancel a pending order

  • Click on the "Orders" icon.
  • Use the dropdown menu to select "Pending orders".
  • Localice la línea correspondiente a la orden pendiente que desea anular y, a continuación, pulse en el icono de la cruz roja para anularla.
  • Recuerde que también puede pulsar en el icono con una cruz roja en la parte superior de la ventana para anular todas las órdenes pendientes en todos los instrumentos.

3rd solution: from your smartphone, using ProRealTime mobile

ProRealTime mobile ProRealTime mobile has the same user interface as the ProRealTime web interface described above. To access it:

From your smartphone, open your favorite web browser (ex: Safari, Chrome, Firefox)
In the address bar, enter m.prorealtime.com
Log-in using your ProRealTime Trading account number and password

4th solution: from your smartphone, using the Interactive Brokers mobile app

You can use Interactive Brokers (which is the account holder of your ProRealTime Trading account) to close positions and/or cancel orders.

  • Download and install the IBKR app for your iPhone or Android.
  • Log-in using the same credentials as for the account management interface.

5th solution: ask ProRealTime

  • Please note that ProRealTime provides services of reception and transmission of orders exclusively through its applications and does not provide those services via phone calls or email.
  • However, if you cannot close a position or cancel a pending order yourself in specific cases (ex: you have an internet connection issue, you experience a technical issue...), you can ask ProRealTime to manually transmit an order for you as explained below.
  • In such a case, ProRealTime will only accept market orders to close open positions and requests to cancel pending orders.

Send your request via the ProRealTime platform

To send us a request to close a position and/or cancel a pending order from your ProRealTime platform:

  • 1. From the menu of the main window, click on Help > Technical support
  • 2. Click on "Close positions"
  • 3. Read carefully the content of the window, then select the instrument concerned by your request the menu of the main window and finally click on "Send"
  • 4. Wait for the confirmation message. If you have a doubt that the request was sent, do not hesitate to call us.

Send your request via the contact page of our website

  • Login to your ProRealTime Trading account
    Note: if you send your request while not being connected to your account, it will not be processed for security reasons.
  • Click on the "Contact-us" tab
  • Describe your request in the message plane:
    • If you want to cancel a pending order: either ask to cancel all pending orders, or indicate the properties of the order to cancel : instrument name, quantity, side (buy/sell), type (limit, stop...).
    • If you want to close a position: indicate the instument name, quantity, side (buy/sell), and the type "market". Note that if you have pending orders on the instrument, they will also be canceled.
  • Click the "Send" button

Send your request by email

From your email address associated to your ProRealTime Trading account, send us an email and indicate :

  • If you want to cancel a pending order: either ask to cancel all pending orders, or indicate the properties of the order to cancel : instrument name, quantity, side (buy/sell), type (limit, stop...).
  • If you want to close a position: indicate the instument name, quantity, side (buy/sell), and the type "market". Note that if you have pending orders on the instrument, they will also be canceled.

Note: if you send your request from an email which is not the email address associated to your ProRealTime Trading account, it will not be processed for security reasons.

6th solution: ask Interactive Brokers

If you need to close a position or cancel an order by phone, you can also call Interactive Brokers at the numbers below.

Phone: (from Monday to Friday, London time)

  • before 8 am: +852 2156 7999
  • from 8 am to 5 pm: +41 41 562 0902
  • after 5 pm: +1 203 618 7791

Please note orders executed by phone are subject to additional fees.